Reflex Machine - 2019

Device for measure and train time of reaction for sportsman.

- 14 mechanical buttons with RGB lights
- 10' display
- controller based on stm32f4
- dedicated application to control the buttons and to compose an appropriate workout
- steel frame

Used technology:
- KiCad (design of circuit board, button driver and RGB LEDs)
- RPi, Yocto
- Qt5 + QML, (application)
- STM32 (button driver)

Application description:
The application can provide a selection of appropriate training for the user.
Parameters of training:
- name
- indicating light colour
- blocking light colour
- training time
- indicating light colour time
- blocking light colour time
- probability of blocking colour
- return time to start position
- active buttons

The composed workout can be saved and loaded later. The app allows you to create your profile. At the end of the workout, if any profile is logged, the statistics will be sent to the previously saved workout. The app notifies you if you want to delete a workout/profile or if you want to save an existing workout with different parameters.